Archive for the 'snaplogic' Category

The New Data Integration Requirements

This week SnapLogic posted a presentation of the 10 Modern Data Integration Platform Requirements on the company’s blog. They are:

  1. Application integration is done primarily through REST & SOAP services
  2. Large-volume data integration is available to Hadoop-based data lakes or cloud-based data warehouses
  3. Integration has to support the continuum of data velocities starting from batch all the way to continuous streams
  4. Integration is event-based rather than clock-driven
  5. Integration is primarily document- centric
  6. Integration is hybrid and spans cloud-cloud and cloud-ground scenarios
  7. Integration itself has to be accessible through SOAP/REST APIs
  8. Integration is all about connectivity… connectivity connectivity
  9. Integration has to be elastic
  10. Integration has to be delivered as a service

I’ve embedded the presentation below.

Addressing the Last Mile – Middleware in Focus

Check out this post by Glenn Donovan: The History of Middleware. From the enterprise service bus (ESB) to the integration competency center (ICC), he has a lot to say about the good, bad and ugly of legacy enterprise application integration (EAI) and extract, transform and load (ETL) technologies. The central theme – it’s about the need for simplicity and speed, which has become even more critical for successful cloud integration deployments. Here are a few noteworthy observations in the post:

On the bureaucracy of the ICC:

“Sure you could build competency centers and “factories” but to this day, such approaches end up creating more bureaucracy, more dependencies and complexity while adding less and less value compared to what a developer can build him/herself with RESTful services/micro-services, and most things one wants to integrate with today already have well defined APIs so it’s often much easier to connect and share data anyway.”

no_esbOn the ESB:

“Along the way, a problem became obvious. The cost, expertise, complexity and time involved in building such elegantly designed and governed systems frameworks ran counter to building systems fast. A good developer could get something done that worked and was high quality without resorting to using all those WS standardized services and conforming to its structure.”

On the need for a new enterprise platform to replace the legacy ESB:

“I think many are ready to dump all that highly complex and expensive overhead which came along with messaging buses when an enterprise class platform comes along that enables them to do so.”

Simplicity = IT agility:

“This is all coming together now, so you will see growing interest in throwing out the old integration server/message bus architectures in organizations focused on transformation and agility as core values.”

Check out the entire article to understand the author’s point of view. As a veteran of the middleware industry, he’s looking at modern integration platform as a service (iPaaS) vendors like SnapLogic as having: “the potential  help IT with the “last mile” of cloud build-out in the enterprise, not just due its features, but rather because of the shift in software engineering and design occurring that started in places like Google, Amazon and Netflix – and startups that couldn’t afford and “enterprise technology stack” – and is now making its way into the enterprise.”

5 Signs You Need Better Cloud Integration

I recently participated in an online web conference called Cloudcon 2015: Integration and Web APIs where I reviewed 5 signs you need better cloud integration:

  1. You’re Struggling with the Integrator’s Dilemma
  2. You Have Unintegrated Integration:
  3. You Thought Cloud = API Utopia
  4. You Still Have Swivel Chair Integration
  5. You’re Considering Going Back to On-Prem Due to Diminishing SaaS Returns

It’s a topic I wrote about in this blog post last year. Here’s the recording of the presentation, which also includes an overview of the SnapLogic Elastic Integration Platform and a Q&A session with Vance McCarthy from Integration Developer News.

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