Posts Tagged 'ipaas requirements'

The New Data Integration Requirements

This week SnapLogic posted a presentation of the 10 Modern Data Integration Platform Requirements on the company’s blog. They are:

  1. Application integration is done primarily through REST & SOAP services
  2. Large-volume data integration is available to Hadoop-based data lakes or cloud-based data warehouses
  3. Integration has to support the continuum of data velocities starting from batch all the way to continuous streams
  4. Integration is event-based rather than clock-driven
  5. Integration is primarily document- centric
  6. Integration is hybrid and spans cloud-cloud and cloud-ground scenarios
  7. Integration itself has to be accessible through SOAP/REST APIs
  8. Integration is all about connectivity… connectivity connectivity
  9. Integration has to be elastic
  10. Integration has to be delivered as a service

I’ve embedded the presentation below.

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